August 07, 2011

My new apartment. The living room!

{In Denton, TX...}

So I love decorating and collecting from garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores and antique stores. I even find myself watching "American Pickers" from time to time. I just love bargains and finding interesting knick-knacks and items with a history, a story. So I took pictures of my current living room for now.

My sweet boyfriend Philip made me this cute, little vampire drawing.

The conch shell holds sage, which I like to burn to make my place smell awesome. The bottle is an old, vintage Avon bottle.

I got this cool hand accordion in one of my favorite towns, Fredericksburg, TX.

The view camera I got from a garage sale for a measly 25 cents!

This is my cat, Ashley. I've known her since she was a kitten and we have grown up together. Now she chills with me...and gets in the way of photos...she is too cute so I don't mind!

Another old Avon bottle, some games I gotta return, ugly orange flowers...but they have a funny story.

These sweet, colorful pieces were found at a thrift store.

Old rug from a thrift store...I told you Ashley gets in the way!
I found these lanterns at World Market.

My silly boyfriend got me this awesome little "Old Lady Cactus" for my 22nd birthday.

The painting over my TV is one of my oil paintings. My game systems are in a mess...shhhh.

The clay bear face is one of my sculptures. The flute is a handmade Choctaw flute that I have learned to play. The green jar was found at a flea market in Fredericksburg, TX. I like to store extra coins in it.

Another one of my paintings that I learned how to do from this guy when he came to my bookmaking class. He spoke completely Turkish and had a translator. It was a fun day!


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